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Student Guide

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Materials and Practice

The purchasing of student education materials will be done by the teachers, with the parents reimbursement. Parents can feel free to purchase the education materials by themselves online.

Students need to complete homework assignments. Practice makes perfect.

We can provide guidance to parents on how to assist at home so that practice sessions are more productive.


Lesson Preparation

Lessons will begin at the student's scheduled time. If a student is late for their lesson, they will only receive the remaining time allotted for their lesson.

Students should arrive no earlier than five minutes prior to the scheduled lesson.

For parents of first year students younger than 5 years old, you may quietly monitor the lesson in the studio. Please do not interrupt or ask questions during the lesson.

If you have questions, please ask the teacher at the end of your child's lesson.

Students and parents should ensure that they bring both the music book and notebook to each lesson. 


Studio Environment

Please help us to keep both the studio and waiting area nice and clean for both you and the other students.

Food and drink are discouraged in the studio.

If you have other small children with you, please have something to keep them quiet in the waiting area. Also, please do not bring painting or coloring items in the studio.

Please make sure that toys will not scratch the floor or mark other surfaces.



Cancellation of a lesson requires a 24-hour notice, prior to the start of the lesson. In this case, a make-up lesson will be given. All make-up lessons must be scheduled no later than 2 weeks after the missed lesson. No refunds for missed lessons will be given.

Cancellation of a lesson with less than a 24-hour notice will not be given a make-up lesson nor a refunded payment for that payment.

If lessons are discontinued for any period of time, then a new enrollment and enrollment fee will be required upon return. The time slo and tuition are subject to change.

If you plan to discontinue piano lessons, please give a written notice, one month before the desired end date. 

If the teachers are unable to continue the lessons, all unused lesson payments will be fully refunded. 

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